Get involved

If you would like to be part of the next project, please describe yourself here. Who are you - Tell us something about yourself. What do you want to contribute // what do you do?

Would you like to be photographed for NAKED SOLIDARITY? In the past, many people have contacted us, so please write a little more about yourself. NAKED SOLIDARITY wants to offer a platform to people who are often not given the opportunity for visibility in our society. People who are made invisible because they are denied the platform. We take this into consideration when making our selection.
As a social project NAKED SOLIDARITY depends on (voluntary) help - for example in the following areas: Graphics, printing, photo models, film- and music production, legal advice on privacy and utilization rights, social media management and political educational work.
NAKED SOLIDARITY is a safer space. Especially in the context of the shootings, but also in every other area, mutual respect and a sensitive and conscious interaction with each other is a prerequisite. Open communication is very important. If you feel uncomfortable at any time, this will be taken into consideration immediately and we will work together on how to make you feel safe and well.
// Future
Do you have a feminist organization close to your heart that NAKED SOLIDARITY could support in future projects or do you run an association yourself? Feel free to present the project here so that it can be considered when planning the next NAKED SOLIDARITY calendar.